Monday, November 12, 2012

Survey Results

My survey is on whether web-based alcohol prevention programs like AlcoholEdu are effective in raising awareness about the negative side effects of college drinking, and reducing alcohol consumption among college students.

So far only four people have completed the survey, however out of the four, all have supported my hypothesis. When asked whether AlcoholEdu is effective in reducing alcohol consumption among college students ever survey taker answered no. Its important to note that "Somewhat" was an answer choice.


  1. I think that this survey topic is pretty interesting. I know I spent a lot of time taking the AlcoholEdu course and if it doesn't even do that much then it's kinda pointless. I would like to take your survey but the link messed up or something. Only thing that I would add would be the theory name to show that it is a real theory. Other than that it looks good.

  2. I really like your topic Ben. I personally did not think that AlcoholEdu was effective but it would be nice to see what everybody else thinks of it. I couldn't take your survey because the link doesn't work, but I think your paper shouldn't be too hard to write once you get your survey results!
